Stephen Hall

Helping organizations and individuals succeed.

Through Avalerion UK Ltd I undertake a portfolio of executive coaching, consultancy and NED engagements that draw on my background in research and research management as CEO of two leading international research institutes, and my experience in organizational development and leadership.

Consultancy Services

I offer a range of consultancy services to clients in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. All support is provided personally and I only undertake one or two assignments at any one time. Services include:


Executive coaching is available for a limited number of clients. I will consider both short and longer term engagements tailored to your specific needs and budget. 

Past coaching assignments have included individuals in both for profit and not-for profit organizations.  

I am particularly interested in supporting women in research and research management. Online coaching is available.


I have extensive experience of designing and facilitating workshops and other meetings from board level down. 

Research and stakeholder interviews and analysis to inform meeting design are also available.